FlexReport for WinForms | ComponentOne
C1.Win.C1Document.4.5.2 Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging.jpeg.jj2000.j2k.util Namespace / ArrayUtil Class / byteArraySet Method
The array to set.
The value to set the array to.

In This Topic
    byteArraySet Method
    In This Topic
    Reinitializes a byte array to the given value in an optimized way. If the length of the array is less than MAX_EL_COPYING, then the array is set element by element in the normal way, otherwise the first INIT_EL_COPYING elements are set element by element and then System.arraycopy is used to set the other parts of the array.
    Public Shared Sub byteArraySet( _
       ByVal arr() As Byte, _
       ByVal val As Byte _
    public static void byteArraySet( 
       byte[] arr,
       byte val


    The array to set.
    The value to set the array to.
    See Also