FlexReport for WinForms | ComponentOne
C1.Win.C1Document.4.5.2 Assembly / GrapeCity.Documents.Imaging.jpeg.jj2000.j2k.image Namespace / DataBlkFloat Class / DataBlkFloat Constructor / DataBlkFloat Constructor(Int32,Int32,Int32,Int32)
The horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the block
The vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of the block
The width of the block (in pixels)
The height of the block (in pixels)

In This Topic
    DataBlkFloat Constructor(Int32,Int32,Int32,Int32)
    In This Topic
    Creates a DataBlkFloat with the specified dimensions and position. The data array is initialized to an array of size w*h.
    Public Function New( _
       ByVal ulx As Integer, _
       ByVal uly As Integer, _
       ByVal w As Integer, _
       ByVal h As Integer _
    public DataBlkFloat( 
       int ulx,
       int uly,
       int w,
       int h


    The horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the block
    The vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of the block
    The width of the block (in pixels)
    The height of the block (in pixels)
    See Also