ComponentOne FlexPivot for WinForms
C1.Win.FlexPivot.4.8 Assembly / C1.Win.FlexPivot Namespace / C1FlexPivotGrid Class / ComboBoxEditor Property

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    ComboBoxEditor Property (C1FlexPivotGrid)
    In This Topic
    Gets a C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.C1FlexGridBase.ComboBoxEditor object that provides easy access to properties of the currently active ComboBox editor.
    Public ReadOnly Property ComboBoxEditor As ComboBoxEditor
    public ComboBoxEditor ComboBoxEditor {get;}

    The C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.C1FlexGridBase.ComboBoxEditor object can be used to get and set properties on the currently active ComboBox editor without casting the C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.C1FlexGridBase.Editor property.

    If no editor is active, or if the editor is not a System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox, these properties return null or -1, and cannot be set.

    The code below shows two equivalent ways of accessing the selected index of the currently active ComboBox editor:
    See Also