ComponentOne FlexPivot for WinForms
C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.4.5.2 Assembly / C1.Win.C1FlexGrid Namespace / Node Class / AddNode Method / AddNode(NodeTypeEnum,Object,Object,Image) Method
A value from the NodeTypeEnum enumeration that specifies where the new node will be added with respect to this node (e.g. Child, Sibling).
Value of the Data property for the new node.
Value of the Key property for the new node.
Value of the Image property for the new node.

In This Topic
    AddNode(NodeTypeEnum,Object,Object,Image) Method
    In This Topic
    Creates a node row at a specified position relative to this node.
    Public Overloads Function AddNode( _
       ByVal position As NodeTypeEnum, _
       ByVal data As Object, _
       ByVal key As Object, _
       ByVal img As Image _
    ) As Node
    public Node AddNode( 
       NodeTypeEnum position,
       object data,
       object key,
       Image img


    A value from the NodeTypeEnum enumeration that specifies where the new node will be added with respect to this node (e.g. Child, Sibling).
    Value of the Data property for the new node.
    Value of the Key property for the new node.
    Value of the Image property for the new node.

    Return Value

    A reference to the new Node added to the grid.
    See Also