ComponentOne FlexPivot for WinForms
C1.Win.C1FlexGrid.4.5.2 Assembly / C1.Win.C1FlexGrid Namespace / C1FlexGrid Class / StartEditing Method / StartEditing() Method

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    StartEditing() Method
    In This Topic
    Puts the grid in edit mode and starts editing the current cell.
    Public Overloads Function StartEditing() As Boolean
    public bool StartEditing()

    Return Value

    True if the grid entered edit mode successfully, false otherwise.

    If the C1FlexGridBase.AllowEditing property is set to true, the control goes into edit mode automatically when the user presses the edit key (F2), the space bar, or any printable character. You may use the C1FlexGridBase.StartEditing method to force the control into cell-editing mode.

    The C1FlexGridBase.StartEditing method forces the control into editing mode even if C1FlexGridBase.AllowEditing is set to False. You may also use it to allow editing of fixed cells.

    The code below uses the C1FlexGridBase.StartEditing method to keep the grid in edit mode while the user moves the selection (like the .NET DataGrid control):
    See Also