FlexGrid for WinForms | ComponentOne
C1.Win.FlexGrid Namespace / IC1EmbeddedEditor Interface / C1EditorInitialize Method
Contains the grid data that should be displayed in the editor.
Contains a dictionary with keys that correspond to style element names and values for the cell being edited.

In This Topic
    C1EditorInitialize Method (IC1EmbeddedEditor)
    In This Topic
    Called to initialize the editor content and styles.
    Sub C1EditorInitialize( _
       ByVal value As Object, _
       ByVal editorAttributes As IDictionary _
    void C1EditorInitialize( 
       object value,
       IDictionary editorAttributes


    Contains the grid data that should be displayed in the editor.
    Contains a dictionary with keys that correspond to style element names and values for the cell being edited.

    The editorAttributes dictionary contains the following keys:

    BackColor: Cell background color.

    ForeColor: Cell foreground color.

    Font: Cell font.

    Format: Cell format string (e.g. "#,##0.##").

    ContentAlignment: Cell text alignment.

    Margins: Extra margins around the cell content (in pixels).

    Wrap: Whether word wrapping is enabled.

    See Also