FlexGrid for WinForms | ComponentOne
C1.Win.C1FlexGrid Namespace / C1FlexGridBase Class / PrintGrid Method / PrintGrid(String,PrintGridFlags,String,String) Method
The document name, which appears on the progress dialogs and on the print job windows.
Flags that select printing options.
String that appears on the top of every page.
String that appears on the bottom of every page.

In This Topic
    PrintGrid(String,PrintGridFlags,String,String) Method
    In This Topic
    Prints the grid, optionally showing a page setup or print preview dialog.
    Public Overloads Function PrintGrid( _
       ByVal docName As String, _
       ByVal flags As PrintGridFlags, _
       ByVal header As String, _
       ByVal footer As String _
    ) As Boolean


    The document name, which appears on the progress dialogs and on the print job windows.
    Flags that select printing options.
    String that appears on the top of every page.
    String that appears on the bottom of every page.

    Return Value

    True if the grid was printed, false if the user canceled the operation.

    The header and footer strings may contain up to three tab-delimited sections, which are aligned to the left, center, and right of the page. The strings may also contain placeholders that are replaced with the current page number and total number of pages ("{0}" and "{1}").

    Use the PrintParameters property to set up options such as page orientation and margins, header and footer fonts, etc.

    See Also