Expression Editor for WinForms | ComponentOne
Inheritance Hierarchy
In This Topic
    C1.Win.ExpressionEditor.UI Namespace
    In This Topic
    ClassBase style for ImageButtonStyle styles.
    ClassBase style with basic properties.
    ClassBase style for OperandsStyle styles.
    ClassBase style for PopupItemStyle styles.
    ClassBase style with basic properties.
    ClassBase style for all styles in C1.Win.ExpressionEditor.C1ExpressionEditor.
    ClassBase style for all text element styles in C1.Win.ExpressionEditor.C1ExpressionEditor.
    ClassThe ButtonPanelStyle class contains display attributes that determine the appearance of button panel element on the screen.
    ClassThe DescriptionStyle class contains display attributes that determine the appearance of description element on the screen.
    ClassGets or sets EditorStyle contains display attributes that determine the appearance of text editor element on the screen.
    ClassGets or sets ErrorBarStyle contains display attributes that determine the appearance of text editor element on the screen.
    ClassThe ExpressionEditorPanelTheme class represents the theme for the C1ExpressionEditorPanel control which contains display attributes that determine the appearance of control.
    ClassThe ExpressionEditorTheme class represents the theme for the C1ExpressionEditor control which contains display attributes that determine the appearance of control.
    ClassThe ImageButtonStyle class contains display attributes that determine the appearance of ImageButton elements on the screen.
    ClassThe OperandsStyle class contains display attributes that determine the appearance of operands elements on the screen.
    ClassGets or sets PopupItemStyle contains display attributes that determine the appearance of popup item on the screen.
    ClassGets or sets PopupStyle contains display attributes that determine the general appearance of popup on the screen.
    ClassGets or sets SyntaxStyles contains colors that determine the highlighting of syntax.
    ClassThe SyntaxTextStyle class contains display attributes that determine the appearance of syntax text on the screen.
    ClassGets or sets TooltipStyle contains display attributes that determine the appearance of tooltip on the screen.
    See Also