Name | Description | |
ArcToBezier | Convert an arc to Bezier curves. | |
CreateGraphics | Create graphics for bitmap. | |
Dispose | ||
DrawArc | Draw arc (ellipse segment) with current stroke attributes. | |
DrawDonutSegment | Draw donut segment with current stroke and fill. | |
DrawEllipse | Draw ellipse with current stroke and fill. | |
DrawImage | Overloaded. Draw image using special source. | |
DrawLine | Draw line between two points using current stroke attributes. | |
DrawLines | Draw lines using specified coordinates. | |
DrawPath | Draws a path defined by points and types and fill. | |
DrawPieSegment | Draw pie segment with current stroke and fill. | |
DrawPolygon | Draw polygon with current stroke and fill. | |
DrawRect | Draw rectangle with current stroke and fill. | |
DrawRoundRect | Draw round rectangle with current stroke and fill. | |
DrawString | Overloaded. Draw string at specified position. | |
GetTextFormat | Gets TextFormat object by C1.Excel.XLFont object. | |
MeasureString | Measures size of string in layout area. | |
PopClipRect | Pop the clip rectangle. | |
PopTransform | Pop the transform matrix for drawing. | |
PushClipRect | Overloaded. Push the clip rectangle. | |
PushTransform | Push the transform matrix for drawing. | |
SetFill | Sets the fill brush. | |
SetFont | Sets the font. | |
SetOpacity | Changes the brush opacity. | |
SetStroke | Sets the current stroke brush. | |
SetStrokePattern | Sets the stroke pattern. | |
SetStrokeThickness | Sets the stroke thickness. |