Name | Description | |
BottomClip | Gets or sets the bottom clipping area of this XLPictureShape, in twips. | |
Brightness | Gets or sets the brightness of this XLPictureShape (between 0 and 1). | |
BrightnessInPercents | Gets or sets the brightness in percents of this XLPictureShape (between -100 and 100). | |
Column | Gets or sets the index of the column to which the shape is attached. (Inherited from C1.Excel.XLShape) | |
Contrast | Gets or sets the contrast of this XLPictureShape (between 0 and 1). | |
ContrastInPercents | Gets or sets the contrast in percents of this XLPictureShape (between -100 and 100). | |
DashedLineStyle | Gets or sets the dash style of the line or border around the shape. (Inherited from C1.Excel.XLShape) | |
FileName | Gets or sets the file name of this XLPictureShape. | |
Hyperlink | Gets or sets the hyperlink associated with the shape. (Inherited from C1.Excel.XLShape) | |
Id | Gets the unique identifier of the shape. (Inherited from C1.Excel.XLShape) | |
Image | Gets a reference to the image/bitmap contained in this XLPictureShape. | |
ImageSize | Gets image size in twips. | |
IsEmpty | Overridden. Determines whether the shape is empty. | |
LeftClip | Gets or sets the left clipping area of this XLPictureShape, in twips. | |
LineColor | Gets or sets the color of the border around the shape. (Inherited from C1.Excel.XLShape) | |
LineStyle | Gets or sets the style of the line or border around the shape. (Inherited from C1.Excel.XLShape) | |
LineWidth | Gets or sets the width of the border around the shape, in twips. (Inherited from C1.Excel.XLShape) | |
Macro | Gets or sets the command of call macro of this XLPictureShape. | |
Rectangle | Gets or sets the rectangle that contains the shape, in twips. (Inherited from C1.Excel.XLShape) | |
RightClip | Gets or sets the right clipping area of this XLPictureShape, in twips. | |
Rotation | Gets or sets the rotation of the shape, in degrees. (Inherited from C1.Excel.XLShape) | |
Row | Gets or sets the index of the row to which the shape is attached. (Inherited from C1.Excel.XLShape) | |
Sheet | Gets a reference to the parent XLSheet object. (Inherited from C1.Excel.XLShape) | |
TopClip | Gets or sets the top clipping area of this XLPictureShape, in twips. | |
Transparent | Gets or sets the transparent color of this XLPictureShape. | |
ViewType | Gets or sets whether this XLPictureShape should be displayed in color, grayscale, or black and white. | |
Workbook | Gets a reference to the parent C1XLBook object. (Inherited from C1.Excel.XLShape) |