In This Topic
Document Library comes with a rich object model, providing various classes, objects, collections, associated methods and properties for managing background functions. The following table lists some of these objects and their properties.
Properties: Body, CompatibilityOptions, Dictionary, DocumentInfo, Outlines, Style
Method: FindRenderObject |
Properties: Credential, Document, DocumentName, PageCount, PageSettings, Parameters, SupportedExportProviders
Methods: ClearContent, Export, Generate, GetDocumentRange, ValidateParameters |
Properties: Credential, Document, DocumentLocation, DocumentName, SupportedExportProviders
Methods: LoadFromFile, LoadFromStream |
Properties: ConnectionOptions, Credential, Document, DocumentLocation, DocumentName, PageSettings, ReportSession, SupportedExportProviders
Methods: Generate, ValidateParameters |
Properties: OutputRange, PageSettings, PrinterSettings
Method: AssignFrom |
Properties: NearText, PositionInNearText
Methods: GetBounds, GetEnd, GetFragmentRange, GetPage, GetStart |
Properties: MatchCase, Text, WholeWord |
Property: ExportProvider |
Property: ExportProvider |
Property: ExportProvider |
Property: ExportProvider |
Properties: EmbedFonts, ExportProvider, PdfACompatible, PdfSecurityOptions, UseCompression, UseOutlines |
Property: ExportProvider |
Properties: ExportProvider, OpenXml, Paged, ShapesWord2007Compatible |
Properties: ExportProvider, Monochrome |
Properties: ExportProvider, OpenXml |
Properties: DocumentInfo, ExportProvider, FileName, OutputFiles, PageSettings, Preview, Range, ShowOptions, UseZipForMultipleFiles
Methods: CanExportRange, ShowOptionsDialog |
Properties: CanShowOptions, DefaultExtension, FormatName |
See Also