C1Chart contains built in tools that simplify the implementation of interactive behaviors for the end user. The end user can explore, rotate and zoom chart using combinations of mouse and shift keys. In addition to the built in tools provided for the end-user, C1Chart also makes it possible for the end-user to modify any of the chart elements, such as Axis labels. This can be done by using the Microsoft property grid and assigning the C1Chart object to it or using the ShowProperties method. The ShowProperties method has four overloads.
C1Chart contains built in tools that simplify the implementation of interactive behaviors for the end user. The end user can explore, rotate and zoom chart using combinations of mouse and shift keys.
The control center for interactive features is the Interaction property of C1Chart. The Interaction object has a number of properties that allow customization of the interface. All of the properties can be set or changed at design time through the Properties window or the Action Collection Editor and programmatically through the Interaction class. For more information on the Action Collection Editor see, Action Collection Editor.
The Interaction class includes the following properties:
The following list reveals the supported actions:
The scaling, translation and zooming are available only for chart with Cartesian axes.
Each Action object provides set of properties that help to customize behavior of action.