2D Chart for WinForms | ComponentOne
Charting Labels / Attaching and Positioning Chart Labels / Attaching the Chart Label by Data Point and Y Value
In This Topic
    Attaching the Chart Label by Data Point and Y Value
    In This Topic

    The two methods, attaching the ChartLabel by data coordinate and attaching the ChartLabel by data point, can be combined so that a ChartLabel is attached to a location whose X-coordinate is specified by a data point and whose Y-coordinate is specified by a chart value. Note that this method is not supported in Pie charts.

    To attach the ChartLabel by data point and Y value, set the AttachMethod property to AttachMethodEnum.DataIndexY, and then under the AttachMethodData object set the GroupIndex, SeriesIndex, PointIndex, and Y properties.

    To write code in Visual Basic

    Visual Basic
    Copy Code
    With C1Chart1.ChartLabels.LabelsCollection(0)
            .AttachMethod = AttachMethodEnum.DataIndex
            .AttachMethodData.GroupIndex = 0
            .AttachMethodData.SeriesIndex = 1
            .AttachMethodData.PointIndex = 2
            .AttachMethodData.Y = 15.8
    End With

    To write code in C#

    Copy Code
    C1.Win.C1Chart.Label lab = c1Chart1.ChartLabels.LabelsCollection[0];
    lab.AttachMethod = AttachMethodEnum.DataIndex;
    lab.AttachMethodData.GroupIndex = 0;
    lab.AttachMethodData.SeriesIndex = 1;
    lab.AttachMethodData.PointIndex = 2;
    lab.AttachMethodData.Y = 15.8;

    In this example, the ChartLabel location is specified as follows:

    Note: This method is not supported in Pie charts.

    For more information on how to attach the chart label by data point at design time see, Attach by Data Index.

    See Also