ComponentOne Bitmap for WinForms
C1.Win.C1DX.4.5.2 Assembly / C1.Util.DX.DirectWrite Namespace / TextLayout Class / GetClusterMetrics Method / GetClusterMetrics() Method

In This Topic
    GetClusterMetrics() Method
    In This Topic
    Retrieves logical properties and measurements of each glyph cluster.
    Public Overloads Function GetClusterMetrics() As ClusterMetrics()
    public ClusterMetrics[] GetClusterMetrics()

    Return Value

    Returns metrics, such as line-break or total advance width, for a glyph cluster.
    If maxClusterCount is not large enough, then E_NOT_SUFFICIENT_BUFFER, which is equivalent to HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER), is returned and actualClusterCount is set to the number of clusters needed.
    See Also