ComponentOne Extender Controls for ASP.NET Web Forms
Wijmo Control Toolkit Extender Controls / C1WizardExtender / C1WizardExtender Tutorial / Step 1 of 4: Setting up the Panel
In This Topic
    Step 1 of 4: Setting up the Panel
    In This Topic

    In this topic you will add a Panel control with some content that will become the wizard content.

    1. In the Visual Studio Toolbox, double-click the Panel control to add a panel to the main content of the page.
    2. Add some content to the panel. The list items will become the tab headers in the wizard and the <div> elements will form the content area. For example:

    <asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server">




                                  Step 1</h1>

                            This is the first step</li>



                                  Step 2</h1>

                            This is the second step</li>



                                  Step 3</h1>

                            This is the third step</li>



                                  Step 4</h1>

                            This is the fourth step</li>



                                  Step 5</h1>

                            This is the fifth step</li>





                            Studio Enterprise</h4>


                            Seven platforms, hundreds of controls, one studio. Build awesome desktop, Web, and

                            mobile apps with our tools for WinForms, WPF, ASP.NET, Silverlight, iPhone, Mobile,

                            and ActiveX.</p>




                            Studio for WinForms</h4>


                            Over 65 .NET controls, including the ones you can't get anywhere else. Studio for

                            WinForms can handle anything, from a grid with a million rows to a chart with unlimited





                            Studio for WPF</h4>


                            Studio for WPF offers everything from advanced data binding to rich data visualizations

                            included in grids, schedulers, charts, reports, and more.</p>




                            Studio for ASP.NET Web Forms</h4>


                            Do more with less code. Over 45 styled, supercharged, and easy-to-use controls built

                            on Web standards including CSS and XHTML.</p>




                            Studio for Silverlight</h4>


                            Industrial strength Silverlight controls you cannot find anywhere else. Download

                            ComponentOne Studio for Silverlight, play, and watch the Web shine.</p>



    Next, add a C1WizardExtender control and associate it with the panel.