ComponentOne Extender Controls for ASP.NET Web Forms
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    Wijmo Extender Controls and Widgets
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    So what is the difference between the Wijmo control toolkit extender controls and jQuery Wijmo widgets?

    The Wijmo extender controls make good use of the ASP.NET AJAX partial-page rendering and client-script functionality features of the Microsoft AJAX Library, allowing you to create a smooth, interactive UI for your end users. If you don't know jQuery and JavaScript, you don't need to worry about it with the toolkit extender controls.

    The Wijmo widgets use the hottest technologies and allow you to easily create a cool, interactive UI with little code. If you already know JavaScript, there is no learning curve.

    Wijmo extender controls and Wijmo widgets are completely independent of each other; however, they can be used in the same web application.

    Suppose you want to create an accordion in your application. You add a Panel control to your page, like this:

    Adding a Panel Control
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    <asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server">

         <h3>Pane 1</h3>



                            Pane 1 content



                    <h3>Pane 2</h3>



                            Pane 2 content




                       Pane 3</h3>



                            Pane 3 content




    To create a formatted accordion that expands when a user mouses over it, the C1AccordionExtender control markup would look like this:

    <cc1:C1AccordionExtender ID="C1AccordionExtender1" runat="server" TargetControlID="Panel1" Event="mouseover">


    If you are using wijaccordion, the JavaScript looks like this:

    Adding a wijaccordion
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    <script id="scriptInit" type="text/javascript">

         $(document).ready(function () {

             $("#<%= Panel1.ClientID %>").wijaccordion({

                 event: "mouseover"




    Visit for a list of Wijmo widgets, demos, documentation, support and more. Note that if you use the Wijmo widgets, you should reference the latest CDN dependencies at