ComponentOne Extender Controls for ASP.NET Web Forms
Wijmo Control Toolkit Extender Controls / C1ComboBox Extender / C1ComboBoxExtender Tutorial / Step 1 of 4: Creating a ComboBox
In This Topic
    Step 1 of 4: Creating a ComboBox
    In This Topic

    In this topic you will add some list items to a drop-down list which will later become a combo box.

    1. In your Web application, add a standard DropDownList control to the main content of  your page.
    2. Add some ListItems for the dropdown list. For example:

    <asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server">

            <asp:ListItem Value="c++" Text="c++"></asp:ListItem>

             <asp:ListItem Value="java" Text="java"></asp:ListItem>

             <asp:ListItem Value="php" Text="php"></asp:ListItem>

             <asp:ListItem Value="coldfusion" Text="coldfusion"></asp:ListItem>

             <asp:ListItem Value="javascript" Text="javascript"></asp:ListItem>

             <asp:ListItem Value="asp" Text="asp"></asp:ListItem>

             <asp:ListItem Value="ruby" Text="ruby"></asp:ListItem>

             <asp:ListItem Value="python" Text="python"></asp:ListItem>

             <asp:ListItem Value="c" Text="c"></asp:ListItem>

             <asp:ListItem Value="scala" Text="scala"></asp:ListItem>

             <asp:ListItem Value="groovy" Text="groovy"></asp:ListItem>

             <asp:ListItem Value="haskell" Text="haskell"></asp:ListItem>

             <asp:ListItem Value="perl" Text="perl"></asp:ListItem>


    Add a C1ComboBoxExtender to the page in the next step.