ComponentOne Extender Controls for ASP.NET Web Forms
Wijmo Control Toolkit Extender Controls / C1Slider Extender / Setting C1SliderExtender's Range
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    Setting C1SliderExtender's Range
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    The C1SliderExtender supports capturing a range of values with two drag handles.

    1. Create a new ASP.NET Web application.
    2. In your Web application, add a standard TextBox control to the main content of  your page.
    3. In Source View, drag a C1SliderExtender control to the page.
    4. Select View | Properties from the Visual Studio menu and find the TextBox1_C1SliderExtender in the drop-down list at the top of the Properties window.
    5. Locate the C1SliderExtender.Range property in the list of C1SliderExtender properties and set it to True.
    6. Locate the C1SliderExtender.Value property and set it to 2. This property sets the number of thumbs on the slider.
    7. Locate the C1SliderExtender.Values property and set it to 4, 205. This property sets the values for the range.
    8. Press F5 to run your application. The C1SliderExtender control should resemble the following image: