ComponentOne Extender Controls for ASP.NET Web Forms
Wijmo Control Toolkit Extender Controls / C1RatingExtender / Setting Customized C1RatingExtender Icons / Setting Bar Array Icons
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    Setting Bar Array Icons
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    Create a new ASP.NET Web application.

    1. Add a standard Panel control to the main content of your page.
    2. Click the Panel smart tag and choose Add Extender from the Panel Tasks menu.
    3. In the Extender Wizard, select the C1RatingExtender and click OK. A C1RatingExtender control is added to the page and the TargetControlID is set to Panel1.
    4. Select View | Properties from the Visual Studio menu and navigate to the C1RatingExtender.Icons property.
    5. Use the arrow to expand the C1RatingExtender.Icons > HoverIconsClass property and set the HoverIconsClass > IconsClass property to wijmo-wijrating-hover-bar-11,wijmo-wijrating-hover-bar-21,wijmo-wijrating-hover-bar-31,wijmo-wijrating-hover-bar-41,wijmo-wijrating-hover-bar-51,wijmo-wijrating-hover-bar-61.
    6. Use the arrow to expand the C1RatingExtender.Icons > IconsClass property and set the IconsClass > IconsClass property to wijmo-wijrating-normal-bar-11,wijmo-wijrating-normal-bar-21,wijmo-wijrating-normal-bar-31,wijmo-wijrating-normal-bar-41,wijmo-wijrating-normal-bar-51,wijmo-wijrating-normal-bar-61.
    7. Use the arrow to expand the C1RatingExtender.Icons > RatedIconsClass property and set the RatedIconsClass > IconsClass property to wijmo-wijrating-rated-bar-11,wijmo-wijrating-rated-bar-21,wijmo-wijrating-rated-bar-31,wijmo-wijrating-rated-bar-41,wijmo-wijrating-rated-bar-51,wijmo-wijrating-rated-bar-61.
    8. In the Properties window, navigate to the C1RatingExtender.IconHeight property and set it to 61.
    9. Navigate to the C1RatingExtender.IconWidth property and set it to 11.
    10. Press F5 to run your application. The bar array should appear as in the following image: