ComponentOne Extender Controls for ASP.NET Web Forms
Wijmo Control Toolkit Extender Controls / C1LightBoxExtender / C1LightBoxExtender Tutorial / Step 3 of 4: Customizing the C1LightBoxExtender
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    Step 3 of 4: Customizing the C1LightBoxExtender
    In This Topic

    In this topic you will set some of the properties for the C1LightBoxExtender to change the behaviors of the control.

    1. Select View | Properties Window in the Visual Studio menu.
    2. Click the drop-down list at the top of the Properties window and select Panel1_C1LightBoxExtender.
    3. Set the C1LightBoxExtender.KeyNav property to true. This allows keyboard buttons to be used to navigate through the images.
    4. Set the C1LightBoxExtender.CtrlButtons property to Play, Stop. This allows the user to click a play button to automatically advance to the next picture or click a stop button to stop advancing.

    The markup for the C1LightBoxExtender will now look like this:

    <cc1:C1LightBoxExtender ID="Panel1_C1LightBoxExtender" runat="server"

            FlashInstall="player\expressInstall.swf" FlvPlayer="player\player.swf"

            TargetControlID="Panel1" CtrlButtons="Play, Stop" KeyNav="True">


    Now run the project to see navigate images.