ComponentOne Extender Controls for ASP.NET Web Forms
Wijmo Control Toolkit Extender Controls / Gauge Extenders / C1Linear Gauge Extender / Setting the Linear Gauge Orientation
In This Topic
    Setting the Linear Gauge Orientation
    In This Topic

    The C1LinearGaugeExtender control supports horizontal (default) and vertical orientation. In this example you'll add a drop-down box that will enable user to change the orientation of the gauge at run time.

    Complete the following steps:

    1. Create a new ASP.NET Web application.
    2. In the Solution Explorer, right-click the project and choose Add Reference. Locate and add a reference to the C1.Web.Wijmo.Extenders assembly.
    3. Switch to Source view, and add the following markup at the top of the page to register the assembly:

    <%@ Register Assembly="C1.Web.Wijmo.Extenders.4" Namespace="C1.Web.Wijmo.Extenders.C1Gauge" TagPrefix="Gauge" %>

    Note that you may need to edit the above depending on the assembly you are using.

    Add the following markup within the main <div> tag to add a Panel with content and set the linear gauge extender:

    <asp:Panel ID="linearGauge" runat="server" Width="310" Height="70">


    <Gauge:C1LinearGaugeExtender runat="server" ID="LinearGaugeExtender1" TargetControlID="linearGauge" Value="50">

        <TickMajor Position="Inside" Factor="3">


        <TickMinor Visible="true">



    This will add a styled gauge to the page.

    Add the following markup just below the gauge markup to add a drop-down box and initialize it:


        <select id="orientation">





    <script type="text/javascript">

        $(document).ready(function () {

            var gaugeEle = $("#<%= linearGauge.ClientID %>"),

            width = gaugeEle.width(),

            height = gaugeEle.height();

        $("#orientation").change(function () {

            var orientation = $(this).val();

        gaugeEle.wijlineargauge("option", "orientation", orientation);

        if (orientation === "vertical") {




        else {







    What You've Accomplished

    Press F5 to run your application,  notice that the gauge appears horizontal. Choose vertical from the drop-down box to change the gauge's orientation.