ComponentOne Extender Controls for ASP.NET Web Forms
Wijmo Control Toolkit Extender Controls / C1SplitterExtender
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    In This Topic

    Create a professional and polished website with the help of the C1SplitterExtender control. The C1SplitterExtender control is a container featuring a movable and collapsible bar that divides a container's display area into two resizable panels. Splitters are able to be nested indefinitely, providing you infinite possibilities in Web interface design.

    C1SplitterExtender Markup

    The following markup creates C1SplitterExtender control. Set the TargetControlID property to attach the extender to a control.

    <cc1:C1SplitterExtender ID="Panel1_C1SplitterExtender" runat="server"



                <animationoptions easing="">


