ComponentOne Extender Controls for ASP.NET Web Forms
C1.Web.Wijmo.Extenders.4 Assembly / C1.Web.Wijmo.Extenders.C1Grid Namespace / C1GridExtender Class / AlwaysParseData Property

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    AlwaysParseData Property
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    Determines whether wijgrid should parse underlying data at each operation requiring data re-fetching, like calling the ensureControl(true) method, paging, sorting, etc. If the option is disabled, wijgrid parses data only at the first fetch. The option is ignored if dynamic data load feature is used, in this case data are always parsed.
    Public Property AlwaysParseData As System.Boolean
    public System.bool AlwaysParseData {get; set;}
    Turning off the option enhance wijgrid perfomance but if underlying data are changed by a developer it is necessary that changes match column datatype.
    See Also