C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.45 Assembly / C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1TreeView Namespace / C1TreeViewNodeDroppedEventArgs Class / C1TreeViewNodeDroppedEventArgs Constructor
A C1TreeViewNode that represents the current node when the event is raised.
A value that indicates whether the dropped event has been managed from the outside.
A value that indicates whether the copy method of C1TreeViewNode node has been used to perform the drop.

In This Topic
C1TreeViewNodeDroppedEventArgs Constructor
In This Topic
Explicit constructor for C1TreeViewEventArgs
Public Function New( _
   ByVal node As C1TreeViewNode, _
   ByVal handled As System.Boolean, _
   ByVal copyUsed As System.Boolean _


A C1TreeViewNode that represents the current node when the event is raised.
A value that indicates whether the dropped event has been managed from the outside.
A value that indicates whether the copy method of C1TreeViewNode node has been used to perform the drop.
See Also