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In Visual Studio, the C1Slider control includes a smart tag. A smart tag represents a short-cut tasks menu that provides the most commonly used properties in C1Slider. The C1Slider control provides quick and easy access to common properties through its smart tag.
To access the C1Slider Tasks menu, click on the smart tag in the upper-right corner of the C1Slider control. This will open the C1Slider Tasks menu.
The C1Slider Tasks menu operates as follows:
- Theme
Clicking the Theme drop-down box allows you to select from various visual schemes. For more information about available visual styles, see Themes.
- Create new theme
The Create new theme option opens ThemeRoller for Visual Studio. This allows you to customize a theme without leaving your development environment. To find more information on using ThemeRoller in your application, see ThemeRoller for Visual Studio.
- Use CDN
Selecting the Use CDN check box will indicate that the widget extender must load client resources from a content delivery network. By default this box is not checked.
- CDN Path
Indicates the path for the content delivery network. Enter a URL here to change the path.
- Use Bootstrap
Selecting the Use Bootstrap option applies Bootstrap theming to your control.To find more information on using Bootstrap theming in your application, see Bootstrap Theming.
- About
Clicking the About item displays a dialog box, which is helpful in finding the version number of ASP.NET Web Forms Edition and online resources.
See Also