ComponentOne ScatterChart for ASP.NET Web Forms
C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.45 Assembly / C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1Gallery Namespace / C1GalleryItemCollection Class / Insert Method
Item position. Value should be greater or equal to 0
The new C1GalleryItem item

In This Topic
    Insert Method (C1GalleryItemCollection)
    In This Topic
    Insert a C1GalleryItem item into a specific position in the collection.
    Public Shadows Sub Insert( _
       ByVal index As System.Integer, _
       ByVal child As C1GalleryItem _
    public new void Insert( index,
       C1GalleryItem child


    Item position. Value should be greater or equal to 0
    The new C1GalleryItem item
    See Also