ComponentOne ReportViewer for ASP.NET Web Forms
C1.C1Report.4 Assembly / C1.C1Report Namespace / HtmlTableFilter Class / RenderField(Field,Rectangle,String,Image) Method
The field to be rendered.
Rectangle that determines the field position on the current page, in twips.
Field text to render.
Field image to render.

In This Topic
    RenderField(Field,Rectangle,String,Image) Method
    In This Topic
    Called when the component needs to render a report field with specific content at a specific position on the current page.
    Public Overrides Sub RenderField( _
       ByVal field As Field, _
       ByVal rc As System.Drawing.Rectangle, _
       ByVal text As System.String, _
       ByVal img As System.Drawing.Image _
    public override void RenderField( 
       Field field,
       System.Drawing.Rectangle rc,
       System.string text,
       System.Drawing.Image img


    The field to be rendered.
    Rectangle that determines the field position on the current page, in twips.
    Field text to render.
    Field image to render.
    See Also