ComponentOne ReportViewer for ASP.NET Web Forms
C1.C1Report.4 Assembly / C1.C1Rdl Namespace / C1RdlReportBase Class / FromStream Method / FromStream(Stream) Method
The stream from which to load the report.

In This Topic
    FromStream(Stream) Method
    In This Topic
    Creates a new instance of a type derived from C1RdlReportBase that supports the RDL format contained in the specified stream. The specific type is determined by the version of the RDL in the stream.
    Public Overloads Shared Function FromStream( _
       ByVal stream As System.IO.Stream _
    ) As C1RdlReportBase
    public static C1RdlReportBase FromStream( 
       System.IO.Stream stream


    The stream from which to load the report.

    Return Value

    The report component that was created.
    See Also