Task-Based Help / Customizing the C1Rating Icons / Using the String 24 Star Rating Option
In This Topic
Using the String 24 Star Rating Option
In This Topic

This topic will take you through setting one of the customized star rating options. There are two larger sizes of the string star rating options: the string 24 star rating option and the string 32 star rating option. For this task-based help, we will use the string 24 star rating option.

In Design View

Complete the following steps for String 24 Star rating option:

  1. Click View | Properties in the Visual Studio toolbar to open the C1Rating Properties window.
  2. Scroll down to Icons and use the arrows to open the property nodes.
  3. For IconHeight and IconWidth, set the values to 24.
  4. Under HoverIconsClass, enter wijmo-wijrating-hover-24 for the IconClass.
  5. Under IconsClass, enter wijmo-wijrating-normal-24 for the IconClass.
  6. Under RatedIconsClass, enter wijmo-wijrating-rated-24 for the IconClass.
    Your Properties window should look like the following image:


  7. Press F5 to run the program. The stars used in the rating widget should look like this:


In Source View

  1. Insert IconHeight="24" and IconWidth="24" into the <cc1:C1Rating> tag so your markup resembles the following:

    To write code in Source View

    <cc1:C1Rating ID="C1Rating1" runat="server" IconHeight="24" IconWidth="24">
  2. Insert the following markup before the closing </cc1:C1Rating> tag to create the icons:

    To write code in Source View

    <IconsClass IconClass="wijmo-wijrating-normal-24"/>
    <HoverIconsClass IconClass="wijmo-wijrating-hover-24"/>
    <RatedIconsClass IconClass="wijmo-wijrating-rated-24"/>
  3. Press F5 to run your application.
See Also