You can customize the orientation of the rating widget to determine if it appears horizontally or vertically. You can also customize the directionality of the rating widget to determine if it reads from right to left or from left to right.
In Design View
Complete the following steps:
In Source View
Complete the following steps:
tags, set the Direction property to "Reversed", and the Orientation property to "Vertical" as in the markup below:
To write code in Source View
<cc1:C1Rating id="C1Rating1" runat="server" TotalValue="6" Count="6" Direction="Reversed"
IconHeight="24" IconWidth="24" Orientation="Vertical" Value="4">
<IconsClass IconClass="wijmo-wijrating-normal-24"/>
<HoverIconsClass IconClass="wijmo-wijrating-hover-24"/>
<RatedIconsClass IconClass="wijmo-wijrating-rated-24"/>
<Animation Animated="bounce" Easing="Linear" Delay="250" Duration="600"/>