ComponentOne Maps for ASP.NET Web Forms
User Scenarios / Display Meridians and Parallels
In This Topic
    Display Meridians and Parallels
    In This Topic

    You can add a C1VectorLayer over the maps control and place polylines and placemarks on the vector layer, to represent meridians and parallels. Such maps can be used to determine the exact location of a place. Meridians represent degrees of longitude and shows the distance of a place from the prime meridian whereas parallels represent degrees of latitude and distance of a place from the equator.

    Complete the following steps:

    In the Designer

    1. In Visual Studio, create a new ASP.Net Web Application and add a new Web Form.
    2. Locate the C1Maps control in the toolbox and place it onto the Web Form.
    3. Right click the control and select Properties from the context menu to open the Properties window.
    4. Set the Height and Width as per the requirement.
    5. Click the ellipsis button (...) next to the Layers property to open the C1Layers Collection Editor.
    6. Click the drop-down arrow on the Add button and select C1VectorLayer. A C1VectorLayer is added to the Layers collection and its properties are displayed on the right side of the C1Layers Collection Editor.
    7. Expand the Placemark property group and set the LabelVisibility to AutoHide.

    After completing the above steps, complete the steps given in code view.

    In Source View

    Add the following markup to the form to add a C1Maps control containing a C1VectorLayer in Source View:

    Source View
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     <c1:C1Maps ID="C1Maps1" runat="server" Height="475px" Width="756px" 
        ShowTools="True" Source="BingMapsAerialSource" Zoom="2">
                <Placemark LabelVisibility="AutoHide" />

    In Code

    1. Initialize the elements to draw polylines on the vector layer as shown below:
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      private readonly Color _lineColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#d3d3d3");
      private const double StrokeOpacity = 0.6;
      private const double StrokeWidth = 1;
      private const string StrokeDashArray = "- ";

      Copy Code
      Private ReadOnly _lineColor As Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#d3d3d3")
      Private Const StrokeOpacity As Double = 0.6
      Private Const StrokeWidth As Double = 1
      Private Const StrokeDashArray As String = "- "

    2. Next, define the following method to generate vectors on the vector layer.
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      private IEnumerable<C1VectorItemBase> GetVectorsData()
          var vectors = new List<C1VectorItemBase>();
          for (var lon = -180; lon <= 180; lon += 30)
              var vector = new C1VectorPolyline
                  Stroke = _lineColor,
                  StrokeOpacity = StrokeOpacity,
                  StrokeWidth = StrokeWidth,
                  StrokeDashArray = StrokeDashArray
              vector.Points.Add(new PointD(lon, 85));
              vector.Points.Add(new PointD(lon, -85));
              var lbl = Math.Abs(lon) + "°";
              if (lon > 0)
                  lbl += "E";
              else if (lon < 0)
                  lbl += "W";
              var placemark = new C1VectorPlacemark
                  Name = lbl,
                  Point = new PointD(lon, 0)
          for (var lat = -80; lat <= 80; lat += 20)
              var vector = new C1VectorPolyline
                  Stroke = _lineColor,
                  StrokeOpacity = StrokeOpacity,
                  StrokeWidth = StrokeWidth,
                  StrokeDashArray = StrokeDashArray
              vector.Points.Add(new PointD(-180, lat));
              vector.Points.Add(new PointD(180, lat));
              var lbl = Math.Abs(lat) + "°";
              if (lat > 0)
                  lbl += "N";
              else if (lat < 0)
                  lbl += "S";
              var placemark = new C1VectorPlacemark
                  Name = lbl,
                  Point = new PointD(0, lat)
          return vectors;

      Copy Code
      Private Function GetVectorsData() As IEnumerable(Of C1VectorItemBase)
          Dim vectors = New List(Of C1VectorItemBase)()
          For lon As Int16 = -180 To 180 Step 30
              Dim vector As New C1VectorPolyline()
              vector.Stroke = _lineColor
              vector.StrokeOpacity = StrokeOpacity
              vector.StrokeWidth = StrokeWidth
              vector.StrokeDashArray = StrokeDashArray
              vector.Points.Add(New PointD(lon, 85))
              vector.Points.Add(New PointD(lon, -85))
              Dim lbl As String
              lbl = Math.Abs(lon).ToString + "°"
              If lon > 0 Then
                  lbl += "E"
              ElseIf lon < 0 Then
                  lbl += "W"
              End If
              Dim placemark As New C1VectorPlacemark()
              placemark.Name = lbl
              placemark.Point = New PointD(lon, 0)
          For lat As Int16 = -80 To 80 Step 20
              Dim vector = New C1VectorPolyline()
              vector.Stroke = _lineColor
              vector.StrokeOpacity = StrokeOpacity
              vector.StrokeWidth = StrokeWidth
              vector.StrokeDashArray = StrokeDashArray
              vector.Points.Add(New PointD(-180, lat))
              vector.Points.Add(New PointD(180, lat))
              Dim lbl As String
              lbl = Math.Abs(lat).ToString + "°"
              If lat > 0 Then
                  lbl += "N"
              ElseIf lat < 0 Then
                  lbl += "S"
              End If
              Dim placemark As New C1VectorPlacemark()
              placemark.Name = lbl
              placemark.Point = New PointD(0, lat)
          Return vectors
      End Function

    3. Finally, add the following code to the Page_Load event to add vectors to the vector layer by calling the method GetVectorsData(), as shown below:
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      (C1Maps1.Layers[0] as C1VectorLayer).DataWijJson.Vectors.AddRange(GetVectorsData());

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      TryCast(C1Maps1.Layers(0), C1VectorLayer).DataWijJson.Vectors.AddRange(GetVectorsData())

    What You've Accomplished

    When you run the project, notice that meridians and parallel have been added onto the map.