Name | Description | |
Animated | A value that indicates the effect during show or hide when showAnimated or hideAnimated isn't specified. | |
CalloutFilled | Determines whether to fill the callout. If true, then the callout triangle will be filled. | |
CalloutFilledStyle | A value that indicates the style of the callout filled. | |
Compass | A value that indicates the compass of the tooltip. | |
Content | A value that will be shown in the content part of the tooltip. | |
ContentStyle | A value that indicates the style of content text. | |
Duration | A value that indicates the millisecond to show or hide the tooltip when showDuration or hideDuration isn't specified. | |
Easing | A value that indicates the easing during show or hide when showEasing or hideEasing isn't specified. | |
Enable | A value that indicates whether to show the tooltip. | |
HideAnimated | A value that indicates the effect during hide. | |
HideDelay | A value that indicates the millisecond delay to hide the tooltip. | |
HideDuration | A value that indicates the millisecond to hide the tooltip. | |
HideEasing | A value that indicates the easing during hide. | |
HintStyle | A value that indicates the style of hint. | |
IsContentHtml | A value to determine whether to use a tooltip with html style. | |
OffsetX | A value that indicates the horizontal offset of the point to show the tooltip. | |
OffsetY | A value that indicates the vertical offset of the point to show the tooltip. | |
ShowAnimated | A value that indicates the effect during show. | |
ShowCallout | Determines whether to show the callout element. | |
ShowDelay | A value that indicates the millisecond delay to show the tooltip. | |
ShowDuration | A value that indicates the millisecond to show the tooltip. | |
ShowEasing | A value that indicates the easing during show. | |
Title | A value that will be shown in the title part of the tooltip. | |
TitleStyle | A value that indicates the style of title text. |