ComponentOne LinearGauge for ASP.NET Web Forms
Task-Based Help / Settingthe Animation
In This Topic
    Settingthe Animation
    In This Topic

    In this step you will set the animation of the C1LinearGauge control. The following steps assume you have already added a C1LinearGauge control to the page.

    In Design View

    Complete the following steps to set the animation of the C1LinearGauge control in the Design View:

    1. Right click on the control and select Properties.
    2. In the Property window, expand the Behavior property.
    3. Expand the Animation property.
    4. Set the Duration and Easing as desired. 
    Note: Ensure that the Enabled property has been set to True and the Value property of the C1LinearGauge control has been set.

    In Source View
    To set the animation of the C1LinearGauge control in the Source View, place your mouse between the <cc1:C1LinearGauge></cc1:C1LinearGauge> tags, and add the following markup:

    To write code in Source View

    <Animation Duration="1000" Easing ="EaseOutBounce" Enabled ="true"/>

    Set the “Duration” and “Easing”  as desired to set the Animation of the control. Set “Enabled” as True to enable the Animation of the control.

    Note: Ensure that the Value property of the C1LinearGauge control has been set.

    In Code

    To set the Animation of the control, add the following code to the Page_Load event:

    To write the code in Visual Basic:

    Visual Basic
    Copy Code

    ' to set the Minimum value of the C1LinearGauge
    C1LinearGauge1.Min = 0

    ' to set the Maximum value of the C1LinearGauge
    C1LinearGauge1.Max = 100

    ' to set the Value of the C1LinearGauge
    C1LinearGauge1.Value = 50

    ' to set the Duration of the Animation of the C1LinearGauge
    C1LinearGauge1.Animation.Duration = 1000

    ' to set the Easing of the Animation of the C1LinearGauge
    C1LinearGauge1.Animation.Easing = C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1Chart.ChartEasing.EaseOutBounce

    ' to Enable the Animation in the C1LinearGauge
    C1LinearGauge1.Animation.Enabled = True

    To write the code in C#:

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    // to set the Minimum value of the C1LinearGauge
    C1LinearGauge1.Min = 0;

    // to set the Maximum value of the C1LinearGauge
    C1LinearGauge1.Max = 100;

    // to set the Value of the C1LinearGauge
    C1LinearGauge1.Value = 50;

    // to set the Duration of the Animation of the C1LinearGauge
    C1LinearGauge1.Animation.Duration = 1000;

    // to set the Easing of the Animation of the C1LinearGauge
    C1LinearGauge1.Animation.Easing = C1.Web.Wijmo.Controls.C1Chart.ChartEasing.EaseOutBounce;

    // to Enable the Animation in the C1LinearGauge
    C1LinearGauge1.Animation.Enabled = true;