Elements / Title Element
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Title Element
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The calendar title is the group title shared by all the month views. It appears at the top of the calendar in a single month or multiple month view. The calendar's title is affected by the type of format strings applied to the TitleFormat property.

Single Title Month View

Multiple Title Month View

Calendar Title Presentation

Setting the TitleFormat property to a standard or custom date format string will format the data entered into the property. The default format string for the C1Calendar Title is "MMMM yyyy". The following table lists and describes the date format strings provided for the TitleFormat property:

Title Format Strings Description Example
MMMM yyyy The default DateTime format string. This displays a single full calendar month name with the current year following. If the current month shown was December, then the Calendar Title would display the following: December 2011.
MMM yyyy Displays the abbreviated name and current calendar year for the start and end calendar month. If the current month shown was December of 2011, then the Calendar Title would display the following: Dec 2011.
MM-yyyy Displays the integer value for the current month shown on the calendar and displays a dash with the current year of the calendar displayed. If the current month shown was December of 2011, then the Calendar Title would display the following: 01-2011.

You can also specify the calendar title in 'Month' view of a calendar. To learn more about this, see Apply Date Format to Calendar Title in Month View topic.

See Also