ComponentOne Calendar for ASP.NET Web Forms
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    Please be advised that this ComponentOne software tool is accompanied by various sample projects and/or demos, which may make use of other ComponentOne development tools included with ComponentOne Studio.

    C# Samples

    The following pages within the ComponentOne Sample Explorer sample installed with ASP.NET Web Forms Edition detail the C1Calendar control's functionality:

    Sample Description
    Overview Displays the C1Calendar control.
    Animation Shows how the animation appears on the C1Calendar control.
    Auto Postback Shows how to use the auto postback on the C1Calendar control.
    Globalization Shows how the C1Calendar control supports globalization.
    Min/Max Range This sample shows how to set the MinDate option and the MaxDate properties to show a specific range of dates.
    Multiple Views This sample illustrates the C1Calendar's ability to show multiple months at one time. You can control how many months are displayed in each row and column by setting the monthRows and monthCols options.
    Hide Other Month Days In this sample, the ShowOtherMonthDays option is set to false so that the calendar days for the next and previous month are not displayed.
    Preview This sample illustrates the C1Calendar's ability to show preview months. To show preview months, set the AllowPreview property to true. When the project is loaded, users can preview the next or previous month by hovering over the indicators on either side of the control.
    Quick Navigation This sample shows you how you can add quick navigation to the C1Calendar using the NavButtons property. The quick navigation buttons jump ahead a year rather than one month.
    Selection This sample shows you how the day, days, weekday, week number, and month settings work.