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C1.C1Report.4 Assembly / C1.C1Report Namespace / C1Report Class / UsePrinterResolution Property

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    UsePrinterResolution Property
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    Specifies whether the component should use the .NET printing support to obtain high-resolution graphics.
    Public Property UsePrinterResolution As System.Boolean
    public System.bool UsePrinterResolution {get; set;}

    By default, C1Report scans the installed printers in order to obtain a high-resolution reference System.Drawing.Graphics object.

    Set this property to false in order to bypass this process and use the screen resolution when generating reports. This will increase report rendering speed (in some cases) with some loss in layout accuracy.

    Under certain circumstances, notably when running under Windows Services, the .NET printing support does not work correctly, and trying to enumerate the installed printers may cause memory allocation problems. In these situations, setting this property to false is necessary.

    See Also