ComponentOne FlexGrid for UWP
C1.UWP.FlexGrid Assembly / C1.Xaml.FlexGrid Namespace / CellRange Structure / Contains Method / Contains(Int32,Int32) Method
Index of the row that may be contained in this range.
Index of the column that may be contained in this range.

In This Topic
    Contains(Int32,Int32) Method
    In This Topic
    Gets a value that indicates whether this range contains a given cell.
    Public Overloads Function Contains( _
       ByVal row As Integer, _
       ByVal col As Integer _
    ) As Boolean
    public bool Contains( 
       int row,
       int col


    Index of the row that may be contained in this range.
    Index of the column that may be contained in this range.

    Return Value

    True if this range contains the cell specified by the row and col parameters.
    See Also