Name | Description | |
C1NumericBox Constructor | Initializes a new instance of a C1NumericBox. |
The following tables list the members exposed by C1NumericBox.
Name | Description | |
C1NumericBox Constructor | Initializes a new instance of a C1NumericBox. |
Name | Description | |
AllowNullProperty | Identifies the AllowNull dependency property. | |
ButtonBackgroundProperty | Identifies the ButtonBackground dependency property. | |
ButtonForegroundProperty | Identifies the ButtonForeground dependency property. | |
CaretBrushProperty | Identifies the CaretBrush dependency property. | |
CornerRadiusProperty | Identifies the CornerRadius dependency property. | |
CultureProperty | The Culture property is obsolete, use the FrameworkElement.Language property instead. | |
DelayProperty | Identifies the Delay dependency property. | |
DisabledCuesVisibilityProperty | Identifies the DisabledCuesVisibility dependency property. | |
FocusBrushProperty | Identifies the FocusBrush dependency property. | |
FocusCuesVisibilityProperty | Identifies the FocusCuesVisibility dependency property. | |
FormatProperty | Identifies the Format dependency property. | |
HandleUpDownKeysProperty | Identifies the HandleUpDownKeys dependency property. | |
IncrementProperty | Identifies the Increment dependency property. | |
InputScopeProperty | Identifies the InputScope dependency property. | |
IntervalProperty | Identifies the Interval dependency property. | |
IsFocusedProperty | Identifies the IsFocused dependency property. | |
IsMouseOverProperty | Identifies the IsMouseOver dependency property. | |
IsReadOnlyProperty | Identifies the IsReadOnly dependency property. | |
MaximumProperty | Identifies the Maximum dependency property. | |
MinimumProperty | Identifies the Minimum dependency property. | |
MouseOverBrushProperty | Identifies the MouseOverBrush dependency property. | |
PressedBrushProperty | Identifies the PressedBrush dependency property. | |
RangeValidationModeProperty | Identifies the RangeValidationMode dependency property. | |
SelectionBackgroundProperty | Identifies the SelectionBackground dependency property. | |
SelectionForegroundProperty | Identifies the SelectionForeground dependency property. | |
SelectionLengthProperty | Identifies the SelectionLength dependency property. | |
SelectionStartProperty | Identifies the SelectionStart dependency property. | |
SelectOnFocusProperty | Identifies the SelectOnFocus dependency property. | |
ShowButtonsProperty | Identifies the ShowButtons dependency property. | |
TextAlignmentProperty | Identifies the TextAlignment dependency property. | |
ValidationDecoratorStyleProperty | Identifies the ValidationDecoratorStyle dependency property. | |
ValueProperty | Identifies the Value dependency property. | |
WatermarkProperty | Identifies the Watermark dependency property. |
Name | Description | |
AccessKey | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
AccessKeyScopeOwner | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
ActualHeight | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
ActualTheme | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
ActualWidth | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
AllowDrop | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
AllowFocusOnInteraction | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
AllowFocusWhenDisabled | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
AllowNull | Gets or sets whether the user can enter nulls values. | |
Background | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
BaseUri | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
BorderBrush | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
BorderThickness | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
ButtonBackground | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that will be assigned to the Background of the buttons inside the control. | |
ButtonForeground | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that will be assigned to the Foreground of the buttons inside the control. | |
CacheMode | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
CanDrag | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
CaretBrush | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush of the blinking cursor of an input control. When .NET Framework is v3.5, 'CaretBrush' takes no effect. | |
CharacterSpacing | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
Clip | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
CompositeMode | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
ContextFlyout | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
CornerRadius | Gets or sets a value that represents the degree to which the corners of the element are rounded. | |
Culture | The Culture property is obsolete, use the FrameworkElement.Language property instead. | |
DataContext | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
DefaultStyleResourceUri | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
Delay | Gets or sets the delay for the Increase and Decrease buttons. | |
DesiredSize | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
DisabledCuesVisibility | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the disabled visuals of the control are visible. | |
Dispatcher | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject) | |
ElementSoundMode | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
ExitDisplayModeOnAccessKeyInvoked | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
FlowDirection | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
FocusBrush | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush used to highlight the focused control. | |
FocusCuesVisibility | Gets or sets a value indicating whether the focus visuals of the control are visible. | |
FocusState | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
FocusVisualMargin | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
FocusVisualPrimaryBrush | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
FocusVisualPrimaryThickness | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
FocusVisualSecondaryBrush | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
FocusVisualSecondaryThickness | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
FontFamily | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
FontSize | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
FontStretch | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
FontStyle | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
FontWeight | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
Foreground | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
Format | Gets or sets the value for the Format of the C1NumericBox. | |
HandleUpDownKeys | Gets or sets If the control handles the Up / Down / PageUp / PageDown keys. | |
Height | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
HighContrastAdjustment | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
HorizontalAlignment | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
HorizontalContentAlignment | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
Increment | Gets or sets the increment applied when the user pressed the up/down arrow keys. | |
InputScope | Gets or sets the keyboard type that will appear when the user set the focus in the numeric box. | |
Interval | Gets or sets the interval for the Increase and Decrease buttons. | |
IsAccessKeyScope | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
IsDoubleTapEnabled | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
IsEnabled | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
IsFocused | Returns true if the control has the focus. | |
IsFocusEngaged | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
IsFocusEngagementEnabled | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
IsHitTestVisible | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
IsHoldingEnabled | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
IsMouseOver | Returns true if the mouse is over the control. | |
IsReadOnly | Gets or sets the value that determines if the C1NumericBox is read-only. | |
IsRightTapEnabled | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
IsTabStop | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
IsTapEnabled | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
IsTextScaleFactorEnabled | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
KeyboardAcceleratorPlacementMode | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
KeyboardAcceleratorPlacementTarget | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
KeyboardAccelerators | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
KeyTipHorizontalOffset | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
KeyTipPlacementMode | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
KeyTipTarget | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
KeyTipVerticalOffset | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
Language | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
Lights | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
ManipulationMode | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
Margin | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
MaxHeight | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
Maximum | Gets or sets the maximum value allowed for the C1NumericBox. | |
MaxWidth | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
MinHeight | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
Minimum | Gets or sets the minimum value allowed for the C1NumericBox. | |
MinWidth | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
MouseOverBrush | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush used to highlight the control when it has the mouse over. | |
Name | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
Opacity | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
Padding | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
Parent | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
PointerCaptures | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
PressedBrush | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush used to paint a button when it is pressed. | |
Projection | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
RangeValidationMode | Gets or sets the mode used to validate the range between Minimum and Maximum. | |
RenderSize | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
RenderTransform | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
RenderTransformOrigin | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
RequestedTheme | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
RequiresPointer | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
Resources | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
SelectionBackground | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush that fills the background of the selected text. | |
SelectionForeground | Gets or sets the Windows.UI.Xaml.Media.Brush used as foreground of the selected text. | |
SelectionLength | Gets or sets the number of characters in the current selection in the C1NumericBox. | |
SelectionStart | Gets or sets the starting position of the text selected in the C1NumericBox. | |
SelectOnFocus | Gets or sets the condition under which all control text is selected when the control receives focus. | |
ShowButtons | Shows or hides the buttons for Increment or Decrement. | |
Style | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
TabFocusNavigation | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
TabIndex | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
TabNavigation | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
Tag | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
Template | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
TextAlignment | Gets or sets how the text should be aligned in the C1NumericBox. | |
Transform3D | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
Transitions | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
Triggers | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
UseLayoutRounding | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
UseSystemFocusVisuals | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
ValidationDecoratorStyle | Gets or sets the style that is applied to the inner C1ValidationDecorator. | |
Value | Gets or sets the numeric value in the C1NumericBox. | |
VerticalAlignment | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
VerticalContentAlignment | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
Visibility | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
Watermark | Gets or sets the watermark content displayed when the control is empty. | |
Width | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
XYFocusDown | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
XYFocusDownNavigationStrategy | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
XYFocusKeyboardNavigation | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
XYFocusLeft | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
XYFocusLeftNavigationStrategy | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
XYFocusRight | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
XYFocusRightNavigationStrategy | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
XYFocusUp | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
XYFocusUpNavigationStrategy | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
Name | Description | |
DefaultStyleKey | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) |
Name | Description | |
AddHandler | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
ApplyTemplate | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
Arrange | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
CancelDirectManipulations | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
CapturePointer | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
ClearValue | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject) | |
FindName | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
Focus | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
GetAnimationBaseValue | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject) | |
GetBindingExpression | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
GetValue | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject) | |
InvalidateArrange | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
InvalidateMeasure | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
Measure | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
ReadLocalValue | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject) | |
RegisterPropertyChangedCallback | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject) | |
ReleasePointerCapture | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
ReleasePointerCaptures | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
RemoveFocusEngagement | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
RemoveHandler | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
Select | Selects the text specified by start and length. | |
SetBinding | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
SetValue | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject) | |
StartBringIntoView | Overloaded. (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
StartDragAsync | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
TransformToVisual | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
TryInvokeKeyboardAccelerator | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
UnregisterPropertyChangedCallback | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject) | |
UpdateLayout | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) |
Name | Description | |
ArrangeOverride | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
ChangeVisualStateButtonsVisibility | Updates the current visual state of the ButtonsVisibility visual state group to match the object's properties. | |
ChangeVisualStateCommon | Updates the current visual state of the Common visual state group to match the object's properties. | |
ChangeVisualStateFocus | Updates the current visual state of the Focus visual state group to match the object's properties. | |
FindSubElementsForTouchTargeting | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
GetChildrenInTabFocusOrder | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
GetTemplateChild | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
GoToElementStateCore | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
MeasureOverride | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
OnApplyTemplate | Overridden. Builds the visual tree for the C1NumericBox control when a new template is applied. | |
OnBringIntoViewRequested | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
OnCharacterReceived | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnCreateAutomationPeer | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
OnDisconnectVisualChildren | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
OnDoubleTapped | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnDragEnter | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnDragLeave | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnDragOver | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnDrop | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnGotFocus | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnHolding | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnKeyboardAcceleratorInvoked | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
OnKeyDown | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnKeyUp | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnLostFocus | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnManipulationCompleted | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnManipulationDelta | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnManipulationInertiaStarting | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnManipulationStarted | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnManipulationStarting | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnPointerCanceled | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnPointerCaptureLost | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnPointerEntered | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnPointerExited | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnPointerMoved | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnPointerPressed | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnPointerReleased | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnPointerWheelChanged | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnPreviewKeyDown | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnPreviewKeyUp | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnProcessKeyboardAccelerators | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
OnRightTapped | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnTapped | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
OnValueChanged | Raises the ValueChanged event. |
Name | Description | |
AccessKeyDisplayDismissed | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
AccessKeyDisplayRequested | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
AccessKeyInvoked | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
ActualThemeChanged | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
BringIntoViewRequested | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
CharacterReceived | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
ContextCanceled | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
ContextRequested | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
DataContextChanged | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
DoubleTapped | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
DragEnter | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
DragLeave | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
DragOver | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
DragStarting | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
Drop | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
DropCompleted | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
FocusDisengaged | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
FocusEngaged | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
GettingFocus | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
GotFocus | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
Holding | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
IsEnabledChanged | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control) | |
IsMouseOverChanged | Event raised when the IsMouseOver property has changed. | |
KeyDown | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
KeyUp | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
LayoutUpdated | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
Loaded | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
Loading | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
LosingFocus | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
LostFocus | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
ManipulationCompleted | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
ManipulationDelta | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
ManipulationInertiaStarting | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
ManipulationStarted | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
ManipulationStarting | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
NoFocusCandidateFound | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
PointerCanceled | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
PointerCaptureLost | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
PointerEntered | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
PointerExited | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
PointerMoved | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
PointerPressed | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
PointerReleased | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
PointerWheelChanged | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
PreviewKeyDown | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
PreviewKeyUp | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
ProcessKeyboardAccelerators | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
RightTapped | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
SizeChanged | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
Tapped | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.UIElement) | |
Unloaded | (Inherited from Windows.UI.Xaml.FrameworkElement) | |
ValueChanged | Fires when the Value property changes. |