DataConnector | ComponentOne
C1.AdoNet.Snowflake Assembly / C1.DataConnector.AdoNet Namespace / C1OAuthConnectionStringBuilder Class / Equals Method
The second C1OAuthConnectionStringBuilder to check whether or not the two C1OAuthConnectionStringBuilder are equals.

In This Topic
    Equals Method (C1OAuthConnectionStringBuilder)
    In This Topic
    Method that check if two instance C1OAuthConnectionStringBuilder can be considered equals considering pooling and caching connection purposes.
    Public Overrides Function Equals( _
       ByVal obj As Object _
    ) As Boolean
    public override bool Equals( 
       object obj


    The second C1OAuthConnectionStringBuilder to check whether or not the two C1OAuthConnectionStringBuilder are equals.

    Return Value

    A boolean indicating if two C1OAuthConnectionStringBuilder are equals.
    See Also