DataConnector | ComponentOne
C1.AdoNet.Snowflake Assembly / C1.AdoNet.Snowflake Namespace / C1SnowflakeCommand Class / ExecuteNonQueryCoreAsync Method
The cancellation token to abort the non query execution at any moment.
The sourceTable containing the data to be inserted/updated/delete from the Snowflake server.

In This Topic
    ExecuteNonQueryCoreAsync Method (C1SnowflakeCommand)
    In This Topic
    The core method provided to execute a non-query statement.
    Protected Overrides NotOverridable Function ExecuteNonQueryCoreAsync( _
       ByVal statement As ISQLStatement, _
       ByVal token As CancellationToken, _
       Optional ByVal sourceTable As SourceTable _
    ) As Task(Of Integer)
    protected override Task<int> ExecuteNonQueryCoreAsync( 
       ISQLStatement statement,
       CancellationToken token,
       SourceTable sourceTable


    The cancellation token to abort the non query execution at any moment.
    The sourceTable containing the data to be inserted/updated/delete from the Snowflake server.

    Return Value

    The number rows effected. Otherwise, -1 when an error happens.
    See Also