DataConnector | ComponentOne
C1.AdoNet.Snowflake Assembly / C1.AdoNet.Snowflake Namespace / C1SnowflakeCommand Class / ExecuteBatchCoreAsync Method
List of statements.

In This Topic
    ExecuteBatchCoreAsync Method (C1SnowflakeCommand)
    In This Topic
    Execute a list of nonquery in Batch.
    Protected Overrides NotOverridable Function ExecuteBatchCoreAsync( _
       ByVal statements As IList(Of ISQLStatement), _
       ByVal token As CancellationToken _
    ) As Task(Of Integer)
    protected override Task<int> ExecuteBatchCoreAsync( 
       IList<ISQLStatement> statements,
       CancellationToken token


    List of statements.

    Return Value

    A task representing the assynchronous operation. The generic parameter int gives the number of affected rows by the execution of this command.
    See Also