DataConnector | ComponentOne
C1.AdoNet.Snowflake Assembly / C1.AdoNet.Magento.Base.Abstraction.ADOBase Namespace / C1OAuth1ConnectionStringBuilder Class
Properties Methods

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    C1OAuth1ConnectionStringBuilder Class Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by C1OAuth1ConnectionStringBuilder.

    Public Properties
    Public Property The OAuth 1.0 access token to be used for the authentication.  
    Public Property The connection string to the cache provider. (Inherited from C1.DataConnector.C1ConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public PropertyThe path to the local database file used as cache. Default location is AppData/C1DataConnector. (Inherited from C1.DataConnector.C1ConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Property The name of the the cache provider. (Inherited from C1.DataConnector.C1ConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Property The cache expiration interval of time given in seconds. Default value is 600 seconds. (Inherited from C1.DataConnector.C1ConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public PropertyThe connection string equivalence of this C1.DataConnector.C1ConnectionStringBuilder. (Inherited from C1.DataConnector.C1ConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Property A value used by the Consumer to identify itself in OAuth 1.0.  
    Public Property A secret used by the Consumer to establish ownership of the Consumer Key.  
    Public Property (Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Property Specifies whether incremental caching is considered or not. Default is false/not. (Inherited from C1.DataConnector.C1ConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Property Specifies the name of the column used for storing the time of the last change of each row. (Inherited from C1.DataConnector.C1ConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Property (Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Property (Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public PropertyOverridden.  Gets or sets the value associated with the specified key.  
    Public PropertyGets an System.Collections.ICollection that contains the keys in the System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder. (Inherited from C1.DataConnector.C1ConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Property The name of the log provider. (Inherited from C1.DataConnector.C1ConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Property Number of max log files. true or false value only. (Inherited from C1.DataConnector.C1ConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Property The limit size of log file. (Inherited from C1.DataConnector.C1ConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Property The maximum items returned per request to server. (Inherited from C1.DataConnector.C1ConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Property Specifies the maximum number of connections in the pool. (Inherited from C1.DataConnector.C1ConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Property Specifies whether or not accessing an invalid cached table should throw an exception or if the table will be refreshed. Default is false/not. (Inherited from C1.DataConnector.C1ConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Property The password of the user to be used for the authentication.  
    Public Property (Inherited from C1.DataConnector.C1ConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Property (Inherited from C1.DataConnector.C1ConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Property (Inherited from C1.DataConnector.C1ConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Property (Inherited from C1.DataConnector.C1ConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Property (Inherited from C1.DataConnector.C1ConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Property A secret used by the Consumer to establish ownership of the given Token.  
    Public Property Determines if the token was requested by a Customer or by the Admin or if the token they are going to use is a Integration token.  
    Public Property The base URL of Magneto server.  
    Public Property Specifies whether caching is considered or not. Default is false/not. (Inherited from C1.DataConnector.C1ConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Property TSpecifies whether or not pooling is requested for a given connection. Default is true/yes. (Inherited from C1.DataConnector.C1ConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Property The username to be used for the authentication.  
    Public Property (Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Property Verbosity level of log. number 1-5 only. (Inherited from C1.DataConnector.C1ConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Property The verification code given by provider.  
    Protected Properties
    Protected Property The logger where the runtime messages are passed to. (Inherited from C1.DataConnector.C1ConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Methods
    Public Method (Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Method (Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Method (Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public MethodOverridden. Method that check if two instance C1OAuth1ConnectionStringBuilder can be considered equals considering pooling and caching connection purposes.  
    Public Method (Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public MethodOverridden. Retrieve the mapped hash code of this C1OAuth1ConnectionStringBuilder.  
    Public Method (Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Method (Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Method (Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder)
    Public Method (Inherited from System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder)
    Protected Methods
    See Also