FlexReport for .NET | ComponentOne
C1.Win.FlexReport.8 Assembly / C1.Win.FlexReport Namespace / C1FlexReport Class / Save Method / Save(String,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean,FontEmbedType) Method
Full name of the file to be created (if the file already exists, it will be overwritten).
Whether to embed images into the output file.
Whether to embed subreports into the output file.
Save all reports.
Whether and how to embed fonts into the output file.

In This Topic
    Save(String,Boolean,Boolean,Boolean,FontEmbedType) Method
    In This Topic
    Saves the current report definition to a file.
    Public Overloads Sub Save( _
       ByVal fileName As String, _
       ByVal embedImages As Boolean, _
       ByVal embedSubReports As Boolean, _
       Optional ByVal saveAll As Boolean, _
       Optional ByVal embedFonts As FontEmbedType _
    public void Save( 
       string fileName,
       bool embedImages,
       bool embedSubReports,
       bool saveAll,
       FontEmbedType embedFonts


    Full name of the file to be created (if the file already exists, it will be overwritten).
    Whether to embed images into the output file.
    Whether to embed subreports into the output file.
    Save all reports.
    Whether and how to embed fonts into the output file.
    See Also