FlexReport for .NET | ComponentOne
C1.Win.FlexReport.4.8 Assembly / C1.Win.FlexReport.Chart Namespace / ChartLabelCompass Enumeration

In This Topic
    ChartLabelCompass Enumeration
    In This Topic
    Specifies the position of the label relative it's spefified location.
    Public Enum ChartLabelCompass 
       Inherits System.Enum
    public enum ChartLabelCompass : System.Enum 
    AutoPlaces label automatically. The parameters of auto-arrangement are specified in AutoArrangment property of ChartLabels class.
    EastPlaces label to the East or to the right of the data point.
    NorthPlaces label to the north or above the data point.
    NorthEastPlaces label to the NorthEast or above and right of the data point.
    NorthWestPlaces label to the NorthWest or above and left of the data point.
    OrthogonalPlaces label perpendicularly away from the plot line.
    RadialIn a pie chart, places label directly away from the center of the chart.
    RadialTextPlaces label perpendicularly away from the plot line and orients the text along that line.
    SouthPlaces label to the South or below the data point.
    SouthEastPlaces label to the SouthEast or below and right of the data point.
    SouthWestPlaces label to the SouthWest or below and left of the data point.
    WestPlaces label to the West or left of the data point.
    Inheritance Hierarchy


    See Also