In This Topic
The following tables list the members exposed by Utils.
Public Fields
Public Methods
| Name | Description |
  | AreObjectArraysEqual | Compares two object arrays using AreObjectsEqual method, returns true if arrays have same size and contains same objects. |
  | AreObjectsEqual | Compares two objects using Equals() methods, returns true if both objects are null. Null and System.DBNull interpretted as same values. |
  | AsNumber | For internal use. |
  | Assign | Overloaded. Assigns all from another object. |
  | BarCodeEnumToCodeType | Converts BarCodeEnum value to GrapeCity.Documents.Barcode.CodeType value. |
  | Compare | Compares two strings, could be used in Xaml and WinForms. |
  | CopyStream | Copies content of one stream to another. |
  | DeflateHalfLine | Substracts half of , etc from the appropriate edge of the . |
  | FastFind | Search the index of specified element in array of numbers. |
  | FindTextInstances | Finds instances of text in a string. |
  | GetFlag | Determines if the flags match the mask. |
  | GetImageEmbeddedResource | Overloaded. Gets the image from embedded resource. |
  | GetInterface | Searches for the specified interface, specifying whether to do a case-insensitive search for the interface name. |
  | GetMethod | Searches for the specified method whose parameters match the specified argument types and modifiers, using the specified binding constraints. |
  | GetMinMax | Gets minimal and maximal numbers. |
  | GetNearText | Gets the text which is "near" to specified position. |
  | GetParameterlessCtor | Returns default instance parameter-less constructor for the specified type. |
  | GetProperty | Searches for the specified property whose parameters match the specified argument types and modifiers, using the specified binding constraints. |
  | GetRelativePath | Returns the relative path, for example: GetRelativePath("c:\temp", "c:\temp\qq\zz.txt") returns "qq\zz.txt". |
  | GetResourceImage | Gets the resource image. |
  | GetResourceStream | Gets resource stream from specified assembly. |
  | GetStringEmbeddedResource | Overloaded. Get string of embedded resource. |
  | GetWord | Gets the word in the text near to specified position. |
  | InflateHalfLine | Adds half of , etc to the appropriate edge of the . |
  | IsCancelled | Determines if task cancelled by an exception used to communicate task cancellation. |
  | IsCulturesSame | Determines if the culture name is the same. |
  | IsEmpty | Returns a value indicating whether a value is null, System.DBNull or empty array. |
  | IsEnum | Gets a value indicating whether the current Type represents an enumeration. |
  | IsNull | Returns a value indicating whether a value is null or System.DBNull. |
  | IsNumber | Checks whether object represents numeric value, i.e. it is byte, integer, float etc. |
  | IsValueType | Gets a value indicating whether the Type is a value type. |
  | IsWholeWord | Determines if the entire word is contained in the specified string. |
  | SamePaperSizes | Tests two sizes for equality allowing a small margin for rounding errors. |
  | SetFlag | Sets the flags by mask. |
  | Swap<T> | Swaps two values. |
  | ToTwips | Converts value in pixels to the value in twips. |
  | TryAsNumber | Checks whether object represents numeric value, i.e. it is byte, integer, float etc and converts it to double. Returns false if object is not number. |
  | TryObjectAsDouble | Tries convert object to double. |
  | ValidateFileName | Check specified string and removed all characters which can not be in file name. |
See Also