ASP.NET Core MVC Controls | ComponentOne
C1.AspNetCore.Mvc Assembly / C1.Web.Mvc.TagHelpers Namespace / ChartAxisTagHelper Class
Properties Methods

In This Topic
    ChartAxisTagHelper Class Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by ChartAxisTagHelper.

    Public Constructors
    Public Constructor  
    Public Properties
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.AxisLine. Sets a value indicating whether the axis line is visible.  
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.Binding. Sets the comma-separated property names for property "ItemsSource".  
    Public PropertyGets or sets the property name which the taghelper is related to. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.TagHelpers.SettingTagHelper<ChartAxis<object>>)
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.Format. Sets the format string used for axis labels  
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.GroupsOptions. Sets label groups settings for the axis  
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.ItemFormatter. Sets the itemFormatter client-side function name for axis labels.  
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.LabelAlign. Sets the label alignment.  
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.LabelAngle. Sets the rotation angle of axis labels. The angle is measured in degrees with valid values ranging from -90 to 90.  
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.LabelMax. Sets a value that determines whether the maximum axis value should be always labeled.  
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.LabelMin. Sets a value that determines whether the minimum axis value should be always labeled.  
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.LabelPadding. Sets the label padding.  
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.Labels. Sets a value indicating whether axis labels are visible.  
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.LogBase. Sets the logarithmic base of the axis.  
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.MajorGrid. Sets a value indicating whether the axis includes grid lines.  
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.MajorTickMarks. Sets the location of axis tick marks.  
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.MajorUnit. Sets the number of units between axis labels.If the axis contains date values, then the units are expressed in days.  
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.Max. Sets the maximum value shown on the axis. If not set, the maximum is calculated automatically.  
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.Min. Sets the minimum value shown on the axis. If not set, the minimum is calculated automatically.  
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.MinorGrid. Sets a value indicating whether the axis includes minor grid lines.  
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.MinorTickMarks. Sets the location of minor axis tick marks.  
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.MinorUnit. Sets the number of units between minor axis ticks. If the axis contains date values, then the units are expressed in days.  
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.Name. Sets the axis name.  
    Public Property (Inherited from Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.TagHelpers.TagHelper)
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.Origin. Sets the value at which the axis crosses perpendicular axis.  
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.OverlappingLabels. Sets a value indicating how to handle overlapped axis labels.  
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.PlotAreaIndex. Sets the plot area for the axis.  
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.Position. Sets the enumerated axis position.  
    Public PropertyConfigurates the C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.OnClientRangeChanged client event. Occurs when axis range changed.  
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.Reversed. Sets a value indicating whether the axis is reversed (top to bottom or right to left).  
    Public PropertyConfigurates C1.Web.Mvc.ChartAxis<T>.Title. Sets the title text shown next to the axis.  
    Public Property (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.TagHelpers.BaseTagHelper<T>)
    Protected Properties
    Protected PropertyOverridden. Gets the collection name.  
    Protected PropertyGets the customized default proeprty name. Overrides this property to customize the default property name for this tag. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.TagHelpers.SettingTagHelper<ChartAxis<object>>)
    Protected PropertyOverrides to redefine getter and setter. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.TagHelpers.SettingTagHelper<ChartAxis<object>>)
    Public Methods
    Public Method (Inherited from Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.TagHelpers.TagHelper)
    Public MethodSynchronously executes the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.TagHelpers.TagHelper with the given context and output. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.TagHelpers.BaseTagHelper<T>)
    Public Method (Inherited from Microsoft.AspNetCore.Razor.TagHelpers.TagHelper)
    Protected Methods
    Protected MethodGets the T instance. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.TagHelpers.BaseTagHelper<T>)
    Protected MethodWhen the taghelper works as template, add the pre-processing here. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.TagHelpers.BaseTagHelper<T>)
    Protected MethodOverridden.   
    Protected MethodProcesses the child content. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.TagHelpers.SettingTagHelper<ChartAxis<object>>)
    Protected MethodProcesses the the children taghelpers. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.TagHelpers.BaseTagHelper<T>)
    Protected MethodUpdates the property in TObject. It is used to update the child property manually instead of the default one. (Inherited from C1.Web.Mvc.TagHelpers.SettingTagHelper<ChartAxis<object>>)
    See Also