MAUI | ComponentOne
C1.Maui.Chart Assembly / C1.Chart Namespace / HitTestInfo Class
Properties Methods

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    HitTestInfo Class Members
    In This Topic

    The following tables list the members exposed by HitTestInfo.

    Public Properties
    Public PropertyGets the axis instance at the specified coordinates when ChartElement = AxisX or AxisY.  
    Public PropertyGets the chart element at the specified coordinates.  
    Public PropertyGets the distance from the closest data point.  
    Public PropertyGets the data object that corresponds to the closest data point.  
    Public PropertyGets the data point index at the specified coordinates.  
    Public PropertyGets the chart series at the specified coordinates.  
    Public PropertyGets the x-value of the closest data point.  
    Public PropertyGets the y-value of the closest data point.  
    Public Methods
    Public MethodFormats the string.  
    See Also