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C1.DataCollection Assembly / C1.DataCollection Namespace / C1EditableDataCollection<T> Class
Properties Methods Events

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    C1EditableDataCollection<T> Class Members
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    The following tables list the members exposed by C1EditableDataCollection<T>.

    Public Constructors
    Public ConstructorInitializes a new instance of the C1EditableDataCollection<T> class.  
    Public Properties
    Public PropertyGets the state of the connection to the source. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public PropertyGets the number of elements in the collection. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1DataCollectionBase<T>)
    Public PropertyGets the current page number. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public PropertyGets the filter expression applied to the data. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public PropertyGets the group descriptions applied to the data. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public PropertyGets a value indicating whether this collection can load more items. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public PropertyGets whether the collection is disposed. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1DataCollectionBase<T>)
    Public PropertyGets whether the group items will be inline with the data items or the items will be the first level of group items. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public PropertyGets a value indicating whether the collection is being updated. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public Property (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public PropertyGets the element at the specified index in the read-only list. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1DataCollectionBase<T>)
    Public PropertyGets or sets the maximum number of items per page. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public PropertyGets the sort descriptions applied to the data. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public PropertyGets the total number of items in the collection. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public Methods
    Public MethodReturns whether the collection is able to filter the specified expression. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public MethodReturns whether the collection is able to group the specified group descriptions. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public Method (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public Method (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public Method (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public Method (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public MethodDetermines whether the collection can be refreshed. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public Method (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public Method (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public Method (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public Method (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public MethodReturns whether the collection is able to sort the specified sort descriptions. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public MethodCommits the local changes to the source.  
    Public MethodConnects the collection to the source. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public MethodCreates a new item of the collection. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public MethodDisconnects the collection from the source. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public MethodCalled to dispose resources. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1DataCollectionBase<T>)
    Public MethodFilters the data using specified filter expression. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public MethodReturns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1DataCollectionBase<T>)
    Public MethodGets the type of the item. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T>)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Returns the items that has be loaded so far. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Groups the collection according to the specified group descriptions. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public MethodGets the index of the specified item. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T>)
    Public Method (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public Method (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public MethodLoad the items between the specified indexes. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public MethodLoads more items asynchronously. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public Method (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public Method (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public MethodMoves to the page pageIndex. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public MethodRefreshes the collection data. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public Method (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public Method (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public Method (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public Method (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public MethodOverloaded. Sorts the collection according to the specified sort descriptions. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public MethodUndo the local changes.  
    Extension Methods
    Public Extension MethodOverloaded. Wraps an System.Collections.IEnumerable into a data collection.
    Public Extension MethodOverloaded. Wraps an System.Collections.IEnumerable into a data collection.
    Public Events
    Public EventOccurs after the collection changed. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1DataCollectionBase<T>)
    Public EventRaised after a filter operation was performed. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public EventRaised after a grouping operation was performed. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public EventOccurs after the current page changed. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    Public EventOccurs when a property value changes. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1DataCollectionBase<T>)
    Public EventRaised after a sort operation was performed. (Inherited from C1.DataCollection.C1WrapDataCollection<T,T>)
    See Also