Name | Description | |
FlexViewer Constructor | Initializes a new instance of the FlexViewer class. |
The following tables list the members exposed by FlexViewer.
Name | Description | |
FlexViewer Constructor | Initializes a new instance of the FlexViewer class. |
Name | Description | |
_background | Gets or sets the C1.Blazor.Core.C1Color used to paint the background. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) | |
AllowThumbViewProperty | Identifies the AllowThumbView dependency property. | |
ContinuousProperty | Identifies the Continuous dependency property. | |
DocumentSourceProperty | Identifies the DocumentSource dependency property. | |
FacingPagesProperty | Identifies the FacingPages dependency property. | |
GeneratingProperty | Identifies the Generating dependency property. | |
HasBackwardHistoryProperty | Identifies the HasBackwardHistory dependency property. | |
HasForwardHistoryProperty | Identifies the HasForwardHistory dependency property. | |
HasPagesProperty | Identifies the HasPages dependency property. | |
HasParametersProperty | Identifies the HasParameters dependency property. | |
HasSelectionProperty | Identifies the HasSelection dependency property. | |
HasWidePagesProperty | Identifies the HasWidePages dependency property. | |
LimitSearchToCurrentPageProperty | Identifies the LimitSearchToCurrentPage dependency property. | |
LinkOverpanProperty | Identifies the LinkOverpan dependency property. | |
LoadingPageSizeProperty | Identifies the LoadingPageSize dependency property. | |
MinToolFrameWidthProperty | Identifies the MinToolFrameWidth dependency property. | |
MinViewerPaneWidthProperty | Identifies the MinViewerPaneWidth dependency property. | |
NonPaginatedContentAlignmentProperty | Identifies the NonPaginatedContentAlignment dependency property. | |
PageAreaPaddingProperty | Identifies the PageAreaPadding dependency property. | |
PageColumnsProperty | Identifies the PageColumns dependency property. | |
PageCountProperty | Identifies the PageCount dependency property. | |
PageHistoryTrackingProperty | Identifies the PageHistoryTracking dependency property. | |
PageNumberProperty | Identifies the PageNumber dependency property. | |
PageOverpanProperty | Identifies the PageOverpan dependency property. | |
PageRefreshRateProperty | Identifies the PageRefreshRate dependency property. | |
PageRowsProperty | Identifies the PageRows dependency property. | |
PageSetCountProperty | Identifies the PageSetCount dependency property. | |
PageSetNumberProperty | Identifies the PageSetNumber dependency property. | |
PageSpacingProperty | Identifies the PageSpacing dependency property. | |
PaginatedProperty | Identifies the Paginated dependency property. | |
RotateViewProperty | Identifies the RotateView dependency property. | |
SelectMouseModeProperty | Identifies the SelectMouseMode dependency property. | |
SplitterWidthProperty | Identifies the SplitterWidth dependency property. | |
SsrsModeProperty | Identifies the SsrsMode dependency property. | |
StatusTextProperty | Identifies the StatusText dependency property. | |
ThumbAreaPaddingProperty | Identifies the ThumbAreaPadding dependency property. | |
ThumbPaddingProperty | Identifies the ThumbPadding dependency property. | |
ThumbPageNumFontSizeProperty | Identifies the ThumbPageNumFontSize dependency property. | |
ThumbPageNumSizeProperty | Identifies the ThumbPageNumSize dependency property. | |
ThumbPageNumSpacingProperty | Identifies the ThumbPageNumSpacing dependency property. | |
ThumbPagePreviewSizeProperty | Identifies the ThumbPagePreviewSize dependency property. | |
ThumbScrollDirectionProperty | Identifies the ThumbScrollDirection dependency property. | |
ThumbViewActiveProperty | Identifies the ThumbViewActive dependency property. | |
ThumbViewModeProperty | Identifies the ThumbViewMode dependency property. | |
ToolFrameWidthProperty | Identifies the ToolFrameWidth dependency property. | |
UseAsyncRenderingProperty | Identifies the UseAsyncRendering dependency property. | |
ViewModeProperty | Identifies the ViewMode dependency property. | |
WideLayoutProperty | Identifies the WideLayout dependency property. | |
ZoomModeProperty | Identifies the ZoomMode dependency property. |
Name | Description | |
ActiveFindMatchHighlightColor | The color used to highlight the active find match. | |
AllowThumbView | Specifies whether the Thumbnails view can be activated. | |
Background | Gets or sets the C1.Blazor.Core.C1Color used to paint the background. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) | |
BorderBrush | Gets or sets the C1.Blazor.Core.C1Color used to paint the border. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) | |
BorderThickness | Gets or sets the C1.Blazor.Core.C1Thickness of the border. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) | |
Class | Gets or sets the CSS class applied to the component. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) | |
Continuous | Indicates whether to show document pages continuously. | |
CornerRadius | Gets or sets the C1.Blazor.Core.C1CornerRadius of the border. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) | |
DocumentSource | Specifies the document shown by the viewer. | |
FacingPages | Indicates whether to show facing pages side by side, the first page on the right. | |
FindMatchHighlightColor | The color used to highlight each find match except the active one. | |
FlowDirection | Gets or sets the flow direction. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) | |
FontFamily | Gets or sets the font family applied to the view. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) | |
FontSize | Gets or sets the font size applied to the view. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) | |
FontStyle | Gets or sets the font style applied to the view. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) | |
FontWeight | Gets or sets the font weight applied to the view. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) | |
Foreground | Gets or sets the C1.Blazor.Core.C1Color used to paint the foreground (text and icons). (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) | |
Generating | Indicates whether the document is currently generated. | |
HasBackwardHistory | Indicates if the user can navigate to the previous position. | |
HasForwardHistory | Indicates if the user can navigate to the next position. | |
HasPages | Indicates whether the document has some visible content. | |
HasParameters | Indicates whether the document has visible parameters. | |
HasSelection | Indicates whether some text is currently selected. | |
HasWidePages | Indicates whether the document contains wide pages. | |
InheritProperties | Gets or sets whether the general purpose properties like foreground or fonts are inherited to the children automatically. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) | |
IsInitialized | Gets whether the component was already initialized. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) | |
LimitSearchToCurrentPage | Indicates whether the text search should be limited to current page. | |
LinkOverpan | The size of margin when scrolling to a link or bookmark. | |
LoadingPageSize | The size of a page which is not loaded yet. | |
MinToolFrameWidth | The minimal width of the tool frame. | |
MinViewerPaneWidth | The minimal width of the preview pane. | |
NonPaginatedContentAlignment | The alignment of the non-paginated content. | |
Padding | Gets or sets the padding of the Content. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) | |
PageAreaPadding | The amount of padding between pages and the preview window edges. | |
PageColumns | The number of page columns shown. | |
PageCount | The number of pages displayed in the preview. | |
PageHistoryTracking | Indicates whether the changes to the PageNumber or PageSetNumber properties should be collected in history. | |
PageNumber | The number of the currently visible page. | |
PageOverpan | The size of the previous page that remains visible when the user navigates to the next page. | |
PageRefreshRate | The number of pages generated between the viewer refreshes its layout. | |
PageRows | The number of page rows shown in non-continuous mode. | |
PageSetCount | The number of page sets displayed in non-continuous mode. | |
PageSetNumber | The number of the current page set for non-continuous mode. | |
PageSpacing | The amount of padding between pages in the preview. | |
Paginated | Indicates whether the content should be represented as a set of fixed sized pages. | |
RotateView | Specifies the view rotation angle. | |
SearchResults | Contains list result of SearchText method | |
SearchStarted | Gets a value indicating if search mode is started and you can call the SearchNext and SearchPrevious methods. | |
SelectMouseMode | Indicates whether clicking and dragging with the mouse selects text. | |
SplitterWidth | The width of the splitter between the tool frame and the preview pane. | |
SsrsMode | Indicates whether the document source is SSRS. | |
StatusText | The string that is displayed as the current status string. | |
Style | Gets or sets the style applied to the component. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) | |
TabIndex | Gets or sets the CSS class applied to the component. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) | |
Tag | Gets or sets an arbitrary object that can be used to identify a specific component. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) | |
ThumbAreaPadding | The amount of padding between the thumbnails and the preview window edges. | |
ThumbPadding | The amount of padding within a page thumbnail. | |
ThumbPageNumFontSize | The size of the font used for drawing the page number in thumbnails. | |
ThumbPageNumSize | The size of the page number area within a thumbnail. | |
ThumbPageNumSpacing | The amount of spacing between the page number and page content in thumbnails. | |
ThumbPagePreviewSize | The size of a page preview in thumbnail. | |
ThumbScrollDirection | Specifies the direction of scrolling for the Thumbnails view. | |
ThumbViewActive | Indicates if the Thumbnails view is currently active. | |
ThumbViewMode | Indicates if the Thumbnails view should be activated whenever possible. | |
ToolFrameVisible | Indicates whether the Search toolbar is visible. | |
ToolFrameWidth | The width of the tool frame. | |
UseAsyncRendering | Indicates if the document should be generated asynchronously. | |
ViewMode | Get or set the page view mode. | |
WideLayout | Indicates whether a multi-column layout is applied to wide reports by default. | |
ZoomMode | Specifies the preview zoom mode. |
Name | Description | |
ClearHistory | Clears the navigation history. | |
ClearSelection | Removes selection if any exists (not related to search results). | |
CopySelectionToClipboard | Copies the selected text into the Clipboard. | |
Dispose | Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources. | |
Focus | Sets the focus in the control. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) | |
FocusAsync | Sets the focus in the control. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) | |
FocusFirstElement | Moves focus to the first or the last element of the control in tab order. | |
FocusOutAsync | Sets the focus in the control. (Inherited from C1.Blazor.Core.C1View) | |
GetSelectionAsText | Returns the currently selected text. | |
GetVisiblePageNumbers | Returns numbers of pages which are currently visible in the viewport. | |
NavigateBackward | Navigates to the previous position. | |
NavigateForward | Navigates to the next position. | |
NavigateToOutlineNode | Navigates to the specified C1.Document.OutlineNode. | |
Refresh | Refresh component. | |
ResetSearch | Stops the search mode and removes highlighting from the found text fragments. | |
SearchNext | Searches for the next occurrence. | |
SearchPrevious | Searches for the previous occurrence. | |
SearchText | Starts searching text with the specified parameters. | |
SelectAll | Selects all text in the document or on the current page (for non-paginated mode). | |
SetPageIndex | Sets the 0-based index of the currently visible page. | |
SetPageSetIndex | Sets the 0-based index of the current page set in non-continuous mode. | |
SetParametersAsync | (Inherited from Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ComponentBase) |
Name | Description | |
CloseAction | Occurs when the user presses the Ctrl-F4 keys. | |
ContextMenuPopup | Occurs when the user right-clicked C1FlexViewerPane to display the context menu. | |
Disposed | Occurs when the object is disposed. | |
DocumentSourceChanged | Occurs after the document source is changed. | |
DocumentSourceChanging | Occurs before the document source is changed. | |
HyperlinkClicked | Occurs when the user clicked some active element, such as a hyperlink or expanding/collapsing icon. | |
HyperlinkHovered | Occurs when the mouse pointer hovered some active element, such as a hyperlink or expanding/collapsing icon. | |
LongOperation | Occurs periodically when a long operation is in progress. | |
OpenAction | Occurs when the user presses the Ctrl-O keys. | |
OperationError | Occurs in case of an exception thrown during a report operation, such as Generate or Export. | |
OutlineClicked | Occurs when the user clicked an outline element. | |
PagesRenderCompleted | Occurs when the user clicked an outline element. | |
PropertyChanged | Occurs when a property of the FlexViewer that is not inherited from the base class changes. | |
SearchAction | Occurs when the user presses Ctrl-F, F3 or Shift-F3 keys. |