Blazor | ComponentOne
C1.Blazor.Grid Assembly / C1.Blazor.Grid Namespace / TransposedGridCellFactory Class / GetCellCssClasses Method / GetCellCssClasses(GridControlRange,C1Thickness) Method
The cell's range.
A thickness object containing zeros or ones to represent whether the borders of the cell are internal 1 or external 0.

In This Topic
    GetCellCssClasses(GridControlRange,C1Thickness) Method
    In This Topic
    Gets the CSS classes that will be applied to the cell.
    Public Overloads Overridable Function GetCellCssClasses( _
       ByVal range As GridControlRange, _
       ByVal internalBorders As C1Thickness _
    ) As IEnumerable(Of String)


    The cell's range.
    A thickness object containing zeros or ones to represent whether the borders of the cell are internal 1 or external 0.
    See Also